The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Tips For Sleep Disorder

Here are some tips for those who feel the need to sleep and I want to take advice to sleep well.

1) Go to bed and wake up at the same time each morning and evening. If sometimes has to sleep late at night trying to get some sleep for more time in the morning. Avoid going to bed early. Go to bed only when you feel sleepy.

2) Do not exercise regularly, in some evening, three or four hours before bedtime. See what you get at least 30 minutes of sunshine daily. Do yoga, meditation and morning exercises. This will help give you energy to work all day. Tense muscles will be asked, perhaps, rest the night.

3) Have a long bath or shower before bed. Follow bedtime rituals. Play soft music, read a book to calm the body. New Avoid reading or watching violent or horror thriller with a mind to think.

4) The hot milk before bedtime. Dinner about two hours before bedtime. They bottle of water on you, then you should not go to pot of water.

5) The chamber area should be quiet and to the extent that television is not considered in the bedroom. House should have a comfortable atmosphere. Put curtains when the light is the piercing room. Change bedding regularly. Room should have adequate ventilation. Avoid having room illuminated clock makes you anxious and you keep thinking about time.

6) Do not sleep in the afternoon. caffeine and nicotine in all its forms, afternoon, to avoid. The caffeine in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, other soft drinks should be avoided.

7) If you do not sleep Withinn 10-15 minutes and think you can not sleep leave the room. We are moving forward with a little book or watch television until you feel sleepy.

8) Some people have tried sleeping pills and continue to reduce until you get rid of it. If not controlled becomes a habit. Appropriate care should be taken and, therefore, the physician should be consulted.

9) Remember all activities during the day. Note worries you are facing and possible ways to obtain the solution. This will eliminate the burden and shoulder, so you never have to think it's going to bed.

10) The main reason for sleep problems is stress. The relief of stress and anxiety often eliminates problems sleeping.

11) Have light meal before bed. Eating can cause serious side effects.

12) Most people have to travel around the world through different time zones, in such cases they must practice the Annex to this country, in advance, so that the body is aware of the conditions facing in another country.

We discussed things that can be good sleep habits. This problem is more in developed countries like America, where life is very fast and people find less time and attention to sleep.

Here are the results that occur as a result of bad sleep habits:
a) Lack of sleep causes sleepiness, lack of concentration at work, reduced work capacity to create and work plans.

b) Insomnia: The majority of the population has sleep problems. They feel bad to sleep. They also have frequent awakenings, waking too early and problems to return to sleep and waking, the lack of freshness.

c) less sleep and even affect the production of white blood cells and the hormone cortisol, which makes a person more vulnerable to infections and circulatory diseases.

d) Sleep apnea: People with this disease have severe respiratory problems. They feel uncomfortable after hundreds of times per night, snorting and gasping for breath. Sleep apnea The disease is more common in males and overweight people. If not treated early cases of hypertension. It also increases heart problems.

e) Narcolepsy: People with "sleep attacks" experience of illness. Strong emotions sometimes bring on a sudden loss of muscle control called cataplexy. "The time of sleeping victims may also experience brief paralysis and / or live images and sounds.

Sleep is essential for a healthy body and mind. So, follow the best practices of sleep habits. Good night and sweet dreams.


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