The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Power Nap Success

"A ""power nap"", which is used to invoke a nap. The new term was apparently coined by social psychologist James Maas. This is a short nap, which is designed to refresh and make you more productive. Work?

Dr. Sara Mednick, a researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, says napping benefits cell repair, heart function and hormone maintenance. What a nap is not to maximize these benefits by rejuvenating effect as soon as possible. brain function is also helpful. A NASA study found that the PNA does not facilitate vigilance, but they are improving memory functions.

Other recent studies show that energy PNA can boost productivity, reduce stress and improve mood and learning (no surprise). MRI Analysis of the kidnappers, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies has found that a nap, brain activity remains high throughout the day. Skip nap, however, and a decrease in brain activity as the day progresses.

Many who are poor to sleep at night regular time for short naps during the day. Steve Fossett said that when he made his flight record of 67 hours around the world alone in his plane, he took a few tens of three to five minutes of sleep NAP. He says he wakes up refreshed. When Lance Armstrong was the formation of his cycling race in the Tour de France, the NAP has been an important part of his routine. U. S. Marines in Iraq are instructed to take a nap before going on patrol.

101 Nap

Sleep comes in stages. A nap is intended to complete only the first two stages. They are state of relaxation and breathing slow, and the second stage - a light sleeper. The first stage takes about ten minutes. The second can last ten minutes. On this basis, many people find 20 minutes, the ideal length for a nap.

The length is open to debate, though. It seems that the ideal length for individuals varies. Your own ideal nap is probably best determined by experimentation. important point here is that if you sleep too long, you get what is called ""sleep inertia.""

It's when you feel heavy, it is difficult to concentrate and your mind is slow. It is basically winding brain activity in the prefrontal cortex. If you nap too long, it may take 30 minutes or more to ""reboot"" and overcome sleep inertia.

A nap routine

Ready for a simple two-step routine for the power nap? This is taken from research conducted at Loughborough University in Britain.

Step One: Relax and drink a cup of coffee.

Step Two: Close your eyes and let yourself fall asleep for 15 minutes.

Your body needs time to process the caffeine in coffee, so you get your sleep or ""micro-sleep"", and hits such as caffeine to wake up and you're ready to return to work. sleep-deprived subjects were used for research, and reported feeling very rested after this routine. This kind of power will probably sleep for those who are deprived of sleep as well.

Can not sleep?

You may have difficulty falling asleep quickly. Fifteen minutes of relaxation and reverie can have advantages, but what happens if you really want to sleep during this nap? Try brainwave CD drive. Listen to these CDs (the best), and slow down your brain waves will automatically put you in a state of deep meditation - or sleep in my case.

American Sleep Disorder

"For those who have sleep disorders, there are groups such as American Sleep Disorder Association, who are interested in helping you. They do this by investigating the causes of sleep disorders, sleep disorders research for cures and supporting people affected by sleep disorders. If you are interested in joining one of these groups, you have to search online. After all, sleep disorders affect more people and those affected should have a place to go for help. Here are the benefits of sleep disorder associations.

Find Causes

Find the cause of sleep disorders is problematic. The challenge is to understand why a person has problems that are, and how this is compatible with all others who suffer from this problem. To this end, may actually help researchers to sleep by being a patient for them. Let them know what symptoms are and, eventually, allow them to run tests to see if you can identify the cause. In addition, you can help by financially supporting their research. Since most of these groups are non-profit, relies on donations to pay for research. Involve more active you are, the greater the chances of finding the causes of these organizations. Once the case may be, they can begin to find cures.

Find cures

Find remedies for sleep disorders can be a great challenge. If the causes are unknown, it is difficult to find a solution. Some diseases, such as sleep apnea, are very difficult to find cures for this person is not necessarily a cure for physical illness. It is difficult to find a single symptom of sleep apnea (until it is too late). Then there are also conditions of sleep such as insomnia, psychological, physical which has no cure: it is simply a problem in the mind of a person. The best thing a person can do is, again, to participate in an organization such as ASDA and help find cures for sleep problems.

Provide support

Since sleep is so important for a healthy human being, losing sleep can cause more anxiety. There are many sleep problems, such as daydreaming, which can be dangerous for a person working full time. When not sleeping enough at night, your brain has trouble making synapses, we are more prone to stress and depression, your body is less likely to eliminate toxins, and your eyes are too pronounced to allow light without much sleep. Therefore, it is nice to go to a group that will allow you to discuss issues in a friendly and confidential.

In addition, it is particularly interesting because all these people to share your problems, so they do not relate only to you but they can advise potential. Finally, it is an excellent opportunity to make friends and acquaintances.

Perfect Night Sleep

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In the world of increasingly stressful in which we live today, sleep is more important than ever, although many people seem to be fighting for 7-9 hours of sleep recommended elusive. It is essential that your body is rested, to ""recharge"" and strengthen the systems of the body's natural defense. After a good night, you'll feel strong, focused and ready to face the world. So what are the secrets of a good night sleep?

your mood and environment are the factors most essential to a good night's sleep. You must be comfortable and relaxed before you even begin to correct.

After coming from a hard day's work or a day care for children can be difficult to relax and begin to slow. However, it is essential that you give your body time to correct, because there is no switch on-off magic. Take a break, watch TV, listen to music or take a walk with your dog a trust company, all these actions will help take your mind and bustle of modern life. But this is only part of the solution .........

Your sleep environment is also one of the most essential elements of a good night's sleep, but for many, a simple solution for sleep disorders is actually a comfortable bed! Start with the basics should be a comfortable bed, with good support, remember that you will spend more than 7 hours a night.

Many people seem to be afraid to look away from more traditional beds, but there are options that exist, bedding market has developed over the years and the variety is greater than ever.

Inflatable air mattresses are a good option for many, and very conducive to a good night sleep. An air cushion of goodwill to support your body, especially the spine, does not seem too soft or too hard and is one of the most comfortable bed mattresses to sleep.

Modern air beds offer a choice of two mattresses - one closer to the ground, and other high looks and feel like a regular bed. Both models easily inflate and deflate and roll up in a small package when not needed. Comfort, health and services rolled into one package!

In essence, the secret is a good night's sleep, get a fundamental right, the rest will follow. Starting with the bed .....

Treatment Sleep Disorders Children

"Sleep disorders are common among school children in good health will be seen in general pediatrics. Sleep problems were reported in 42.7% of children that included nocturnal enuresis (18.4%), sleep talking (14.6%), bruxism (11.6%) nightmares (6, 8%), night terrors (2.9%) snoring (5.8%) and sleepwalking (1.9%). Bruxism is a destructive habit. It is defined as tightening diurnal or nocturnal nonproductive or gnashing of teeth.

Bruxism occurs in about 15 per cent of young people and as much as 96 percent of firms increased. The etiology of bruxism is unclear. It has been linked to stress, occlusal disorders, allergies and sleep positioning. In addition, type A behavior personality associated with stress is more predictive of bruxism. Because of its nonspecific pathology, bruxism may be difficult to diagnose.

In addition to complaints from sleep partners, clenching-grinding, sleep bruxism, myofacial pain, craniomaxillofacial musculoskeletal pain, temporomandibular disorders, orofacial pain, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue spectrum disorders are linked. The main clinical signs of bruxism include tooth wear, tooth mobility, muscle and joint masticatory hypertrophy. Other symptoms of bruxism are multiple and diverse. These include pain and dysfunction of the TMJ, head and neck pain, erosion, abrasion, loss and damage to support structures, headache, oral infections, muscle pains and spasms of tooth sensitivity, difficulties in aesthetics and oral discomfort and interference.

The treatment of bruxism may be simple or complex, depending on the nature of the disease. Severe bruxism disorders are difficult to treat and the prognosis may also be questioned. Children with bruxism are usually managed by observation and reassurance. Most children with bruxism habits disappear naturally as they grow. Adults may be managed with a treatment for stress reduction, modification of sleep positioning, drug therapy, biofeedback training, physical therapy and dental evaluation. Correction of malocclusion with orthodontic procedures for recovery, or adjustment of the occlusion by selective grinding does not control the habit of bruxism.

What about prevention? The researchers found little correlation between different morphological types of malocclusion, such as class II and III molar, bite deep overhangs, and dental wear or grinding. In addition, there is no correlation between periodontal disease and bruxism in children. Since abnormal status ""of children does not increase the probability of bruxism, early orthodontic treatment (braces) to prevent bruxism is not scientifically justified.

Bruxism is a destructive habit that can cause serious dental damage. Bruxism in childhood may be a persistent feature. occlusal trauma and tooth wear in childhood bruxism can be replaced by increased anterior tooth wear 20 years. If your child has significant tooth attrition, tooth mobility or tooth fracture may happen. It is therefore imperative to take the child to the dentist to assess for bruxism.

Night Dreams And Sleep Disorders

"A growing contingent of researchers believes that our night dreams are subconscious incubators capable of creating answers to the riddles of life - a notion suspended from sleep labs where researchers peek inside the brain at rest .

The data are clear: While asleep, the brain is able to do things that you can not do when sober.

When Lisa Byerley Gary, 42, and her husband launched a weekly newspaper, she was responsible for the layout and had to use a software known. Now an instructor of writing at the University of Tennessee, Byerley Gary reflects on those weeks of harassment and laughed at how she has thrown and turned.

""Night after night, all night I dream to pose in the pages on your computer,"" she said. ""We literally went through the steps and text to match."" In retrospect, she says, her dreams faster along the learning curve. ""Dreams have assured me that I was working on the problem while I slept,"" she said. ""My mind has made use of every moment.""

Sleep is the glue that connects new information to the brain. A cognitive neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School studied the effect of sleep on learning and memory.

In one study, researchers have learned how volunteers to perform a task. Later, the researchers measured the speed with which subjects completed the task. They found that those tested later in the day did not improve. But when they were allowed to sleep for at least 6 hours between training and testing, their results increased 15 percent. What really surprised the researchers was that participants continued to improve their scores over the 2 or 3 days without practice or training.

In another study, volunteers - including five amnesiacs - played a video game for several hours a day for 3 days. Then they were awakened just after they had fallen asleep to discover what was going on in their heads. Indeed, they dreamed of playing - and this was true even for the amnesic, who had no recollection of having played against him.

""It is clear that one night of sleep changes the form of memories so that you can perform tasks faster and with greater precision.""

At the University of Maryland, a pioneer in dream interpretation sees the dream as a key therapeutic tool. In one experiment, they recruited 60 people to participate in three different types of therapy. A group focused on their dreams, another analysis of a disturbing event in their lives, and a control group of another dream, he looked as if it were their own. During five sessions of therapy for 1 hour, volunteers can dissect the meaning of the dream or event and how it might apply to their lives. Then they rated their satisfaction with the therapeutic process.

Those who have examined their lives reflect their dreams were significantly more satisfied with the results that people have only the event -. Or attempted to give meaning to the dreams of others ""Dreams provided the key to fundamental questions as the treatment standard is not expected to unlock.

""People around dreams carry with them for years and years, but only once they start working on this theme underlying the dream is broken."" ""The dreams you need to pay attention to are the ones that haunt you.""

Dreams help people navigate through the emotions of life, ""he said. When you look at it, emotionally significant events are just another learning opportunity.

Dreams are like treasure maps to the unconscious. You can learn how to incubate a problem in your dreams by focusing on what you drift to sleep. Dreaming is something intuitive. If you can find all the emotion that lies beneath the surface, you can understand what to do next.

Mining for answers to your dreams: to recall your dreams more vividly and resolve most of your potential problems:

Starts on a weekend: Dreams are best remembered when you wake up without an alarm, that way you will probably sleep following REM, and your dream will be fresh in your mind.

Describing remind you: Before you sleep, you say that your dreams matter and want to remember them. Declaring its intent is the first step towards building your dream recall. If you think they are unimportant, you will forget them the moment you wake up.

Sleep easy: Start with something simple, like how to put on a big couch in your living room, stuffed. go slowly work up to more complex issues such as how to solve a problem child to your sister.

Stay on track: Make question last thing you do before leaving. As you drift off to sleep, you are very impressionable, it's a bit like a hypnotic trance. Use this time to discuss your problem. To summarize in one or two short sentences. If possible, put an object representing a dilemma bedside. Otherwise, call to mind a clear picture of the problem - just you that's the last thing you think.

Rate it: Keep a piece of paper and a pen beside your bed. Upon awakening, take a moment to lie down quietly. Look around the edge of consciousness to see if a dream is hiding. If a piece comes into your head, take it back slightly. We remember, usually in the opposite direction of our dreams.

Sleep Apnea Children

"Although it has been known for some time now that children with sleep apnea often produce poor scores on IQ tests (typically scoring an average of 85 to a score of 101 children without sleep apnea), which has not been known until recently is that it causes chemical changes in the brain. This means that also an intelligent child can turn in a mediocre performance because of nothing more than a sleep disorder which, in most cases can be fairly easy to treat.

In a study of children Hopkin Center in Baltimore, 31 children aged between 6 and 16 (19 of them had severe sleep apnea) were examined using a special form or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and found that children with sleep apnea showed significant changes in both the hippocampus and right frontal cortex - two areas of the brain associated with learning and higher mental functions. The same study found that children have changed level of three chemicals in the brain, indicating brain damage.

This change in brain chemistry caused by the presence of sleep apnea may or may not be permanent and at this stage, further studies are needed to see whether or not this effect can be reversed. However, even if reversal is possible and brain chemistry and cognitive function can be returned to normal children with sleep apnea suffer a loss in learning, provided they are suffering from untreated sleep apnea and will certainly not able to wind back and find this learning period.

Parents should, of course, already looking for signs of sleep apnea in their children, but this study clearly indicates that early diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders that could have a significant effect of a child succeed in life.

Signs of sleep apnea are frequent pauses in breathing during sleep, which often leads to an awareness of sleep and tossing and turning in bed. Children may also display strong or breathing difficulties, snoring, coughing, panting and occasional bedwetting at an age when this phase should normally have passed. Parents may also notice a child sleeping in an uncomfortable position, perhaps sticking their ass in the air and head back in an unconscious effort to force the airway open.

In most cases of sleep apnea in children can be treated by surgical removal of tonsils and adenoids, or excess tissue at the back of the throat or nose. In addition, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine can also be used to provide children with a stream of air delivered through a mask worn during sleep to keep airways open.

Sleep apnea is in itself debilitating effects for each child and lack of sleep each night will mark on your child. However, when combined with a compromised IQ of your child, it becomes imperative that you act as soon as possible to have the disease diagnosed and treated.

Most Common Sleep Disorders Myths

We all know that sleep is absolutely essential to feel better, look better and bring out the best in each day. Quality and quantity of sleep in the front of the stage with other major health actors: many fruits, vegetables, sixty minutes a day of exercise, clean air, clean water, and a perspective on the edifying life.

Sleep is important is that we know. However, there is much confusion about the time our bodies "sacred rest, recovery and revitalization. Sometimes the confusion is harmless, it is sometimes dangerous.

Here are 7 myths about his zzzzzzzzzz your day:

1. Myth: Snoring may be annoying for a sponsor, but never dangerous.

Fact: Snoring can be Benin, but can also be a symptom of a sleep disorder called sleep apnea life-threatening, especially if accompanied by severe daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea, or pauses in breathing during sleep, preventing air flow, reduces oxygen levels and strains the heart and cardiovascular system diseases, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. People with sleep apnea awaken frequently during the night. Obesity can contribute to sleep apnea.

Remedy: Lose weight, if you think that sleep apnea has been verified. It is treatable. More recently, medical advances can help you sleep better.

2. Myth: You can "cheat" on the amount of sleep.

Fact: Sleep experts say most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep each night for the performance, health and safety best. When we do not get adequate sleep, we accumulate a sleep debt that can be difficult to repay. "Result: Sleep deprivation linked to obesity, hypertension, mood swings, decreased productivity, and safety issues at home, at work and on the road.

Solution: Put your body and your health first and early to bed for eight hours of rest.

3. Myth: Insomnia is difficulty falling asleep.

Fact: Difficulty falling asleep just one of the four symptoms of insomnia. Others include waking up too early and could not fall back sleep awakenings, frequent, and waking feeling not rested. Insomnia can be a symptom of a sleep disorder or other health problems. A recent National Sleep Foundation Sleep in America poll, 58% of adults in this country reported at least one symptom of insomnia in the past.

Solution: daily exercise, loading a bunch of fruit, vegetables, and avoid or eliminate feeding stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate, sugar and refined foods and beverages. When insomnia symptoms occur more than a few times a week and impact a person's life every day, the symptoms must be discussed with the provider of appropriate health care.

4. Myth: Health problems like obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, depression and unrelated to the quantity and quality of sleep a person.

Fact: Studies have shown a direct relationship between sleep and many health problems. lack of sleep affects the secretion of growth hormone that is linked to obesity. As the value decreases the secretion of hormones to increase the chances of weight gain. Blood pressure is usually during the sleep cycle. However, interrupted sleep can adversely affect this normal decline, leading to cardiovascular problems and hypertension. Lack of sleep affects the body's ability to use insulin, which leads to diabetes.

Remedy: Lose weight and strengthen the health of whole fruits and vegetables, eat fewer fatty foods like meat, cheese and hydrogenated fats in many processed foods, 60 minutes of daily exercise, and avoid stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate and white sugar in beverages and foods.

5. Myth of the oldest, fewer hours of sleep you need.

Fact: Like most adults, people over 65 should be 7-9 hours of sleep. While changes in sleep with age, the amount of sleep we need generally does not. In fact, the National Sleep Foundation 2003 Sleep in America poll found that older people do not usually sleep less than their younger counterparts, but an average of seven hours. poor health, not age, is a major reason why many older people report sleep problems.

Solution: Building healthy habits throughout life every day is a necessity for a good night's sleep and enjoy life as a senior. daily walk, deep breathing and stretching exercises, spending time with family and friends, and jump into a hobby can help get a good night. Eat better food-for-you foods and avoid foods caffeine, refined and processed and fatty / oily. Sleep in the early afternoon, noonish, is less likely to interfere with sleep at night. And, of course, achieving your ideal weight.

6. Myth: During sleep, the brain is at rest.

Fact: The body rests during sleep. However, the brain remains active and is "charged". During sleep, we drift between the two states of sleep (rapid eye movement) REM and non-REM, in 90 cycles per minute. non-REM sleep, when our minds can still process information, has four stages with different characteristics, ranging from one stage of drowsiness, when one can be easily awakened, to "deep sleep" stages three and four, the effects the most positive and restorative sleep occurs. REM sleep is when dreams occur and force the eyes move back and forth under the eyelids.

7. Myth: If you wake in the night, it is best to stay in bed, the number of sheep, or toss and turn until finally fall asleep again.

Fact: If you wake up in the middle of the night, relaxing images or thoughts may help to induce sleep rather than counting sheep, which can be more relaxing than a distraction. Most experts agree that, if not fall back asleep within 15-20 minutes, get out of bed, go into another room and engage in a relaxing activity such as listening to music or reading. Return to bed when you feel sleepy. Avoid watching the clock. Pat should be associated with sleep and sex only.