The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Anxiety Sleep Disorders

Today, many people suffer from sleep disorders anxiety. Those affected by this type of sleep disorder often try very hard to sleep, but unable to do so. Lack of sleep for several nights in a row can lead to health problems. Sleep deprivation reduces its effectiveness at work and can be a cause of accidents.

The causes of sleep disorders Anxiety
The main cause of sleep disorders stress anxiety seem to be arising from fears and anxieties that occupy the mind of a person during the day. When such a person tries to sleep at night, these thoughts to take charge of involuntary body and mind and not let them relax. Thus, the body is tired and needs sleep, but the spirit remains flat and refuses to relax. Under such conditions, even if the person is able to catch some sleep suddenly, the body and mind are much needed rest.

Symptoms of sleep disorders anxiety
People who suffer from anxiety often panic attacks (periods of intense fear and apprehension), with symptoms like a huge heart, trembling, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, and so these crises occur especially night during the latter stages of sleep, waking the person with a beating heart and a sense of panic, among others, the symptoms mentioned above. Following the attack, they lose their sleep and unable to sleep. They get nervous and move their beds. They feel stressed and begin to worry about imaginary things in particular their desire to sleep. This type of situation causes anxiety disorders of sleep. If their life goes through phases difficult, the problem of sleep deprivation can become more serious.

Treatment of sleep disorders anxiety
Medicines for treating anxiety, sleep disorders, is a short term solution. It can be used for some time to reduce anxiety, but this is not a good solution. Some changes in our habits and incorporate exercise into your daily routine more effective ways of treating anxiety disorders of sleep. In the evening, drinks and before bedtime drug containing caffeine such as coffee or chocolate or foods high in sugar should be strictly avoided. Caffeine often tends to aggravate the situation, the increased anxiety. Aerobic exercise such as swimming or helping our body to relax tense muscles and leads to relaxation. However, exercises should be done at least several hours before bed, because the energy from the exercise will take some time to dissipate. Meditation helps to calm a restless mind and body give a good sleep.

Sleep patterns and sleep disorders, anxiety
Maintaining good sleep habits to help us fall asleep easily. Good sleep habits is to take steps to make the bedroom a comfortable and clean place to sleep. Here are some tips to ensure a good night are:

The room should be used only during sleep time. This report helps the body to the room and bed to sleep.
Reading or watching TV in bed should be strictly avoided. Stop watching TV, at least 30 minutes before bedtime.
Try to have a fixed time for sleeping. Even in the weekend time to go to bed and wake time should remain fixed. PAN during the day should be strictly avoided.
A hot bath for half an hour before bedtime helps them sleep a night.
Keep away from the bed to watch, you can not see it when you're awake.
Get professional help if necessary.
sleep problems, if ignored for a long period of time can have serious repercussions on his health, and a weakened immune system or personality change. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken to remedy this problem.


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