The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Sleep Disorder

Sleep is the most important factor affecting human health. Thus, if a person has reached 8 hours of sleep, he is healthy, energetic and good so that if a person is unable to acquire a sound sleep has a different effect, not only on health but also on personal life . Sleep deprivation causes accidents, affect relationships, health, mental capacity and lack of concentration. If insomnia is accompanied by the common cold is likely to fall asleep again, even after healing of the body is cold. However, if you have trouble sleeping on a regular basis, it is a major reason for concern.

occasional sleep problems are really facing everyone at some point of time. However, a good night is essential to refresh the mind and health. Lack of sleep symptoms feels like fog, poor concentration, which can disrupt family work and personal relationships.

However, to differentiate between lack of sleep and sleep should be able to identify the symptoms of sleep disorders. Some changes in behavior you may be signs of sleep disorders, it is sufficient to identify them. Common symptoms include sleep disturbance f

With a feeling of irritation or drowsiness during the day.
With a challenge to stay awake in the exercise of certain activities such as watching television or reading still standing.
With a feeling of fatigue or falling asleep at the wheel
Lack of concentration
receiving end will often comment you look tired "
Reacts slowly
With emotional outbursts
With a strong requirement for the afternoon of the NAP.
With the habit of tea or coffee to get rid of sleep.
There are about 70 different sleep disorders that include sleep deprivation, sleep disorders, excessive sleeping, etc. The most common include: -

Insomnia: Anyone can be infected with insomnia at some point of time in life. It is indeed described as the inability of sleep quality, simple Word or a common sleep problem is caused by a variety of things such as stress, changing time zones, altered sleep schedule, sleep habits unhealthy. Insomnia is not a permanent problem, some techniques such as hygiene improved sleep, relaxation and cognitive-behavioral therapy helps restore the treatment of insomnia and sleep better.

Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder, life-threatening. In this disorder process of breathing of the patient, either go thin or even stops during sleep. Each breath is about 10-20 seconds of delay that can be drawn from 20 to 30 times or more in one hour. Disease in this patient should get up and again to complete its process of respiration which results in lack of sleep, lack of oxygen, loud snoring, gasping and choking and feeling tired, even after sleep at night. Obstructive sleep apnea is more common in men. Sleep apnea is caused in large part because of obesity, overweight tonsils, large adenoids, nasal congestion or blockage, or a unique shape of the head, neck or chin. Patients with sleep apnea CPAP is usually used (mechanical drawing on the nose, breathing without difficulty). However, it can get used to. Thus, the best treatment for sleep apnea include weight loss, raise the head of the bed or sleeping on your side can be as effective remedy for sleep apnea, mild to moderate.

Snoring: Snoring is a very common problem for many people. It is mostly confused by sleep apnea, snoring, however, is narrowing of the airways, which may be caused by sleep posture, excess weight or physical abnormalities in the neck. A narrow air breathing becomes smooth, resulting in noise of snoring. Snoring is caused by the obstruction may be breathing, that is, in case of sleep apnea, but not always. The best remedy against snoring include sleeping on your side, elevating the head of the bed, lose weight or stop snoring.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) Restless Legs Syndrome RLS abstract may be described as a disorder that creates an irresistible impulse to move his arms or legs. This usually occurs because of uncomfortable tingling or crawling sensations in the legs or affected members in a resting position or lying down. Movment can easily feel, but only for a while. RLS can be caused by certain diseases such as anemia, kidney failure, pregnancy, thyroid problems, Parkinson's disease or alcoholism.

Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) disorder of periodic limb movements Short PLMD can be described as a disorder in which the rhythmic movements of the limbs is not intentional or while you sleep or while awake. Most people with RLS also have PLMD. Both RLS and those with PLMD may opt for alternative therapies, changes in lifestyle, nutritional supplements, etc. to get beneficial results.

Narcolepsy: Narcolepsy can be described as excessive sleepiness, which can even fall asleep at any time without warning. Although narcolepsy has not shown specific cases, people who do not hypocretin, a brain chemical that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Sleep attacks suffered by patients with narcolepsy are not only a consequence of a lack of sleep. A person with a night's sleep enough may respond to these attacks during the day, which prevents the normal and the patient's life can be dangerous, while activities like walking, driving or working. Narcolepsy can be genetic, but is also influenced by environmental triggers. The best cure for narcolepsy may be a combination of drugs, behavioral therapy and counseling.

Sleep disorders can be quantified with an eye on the sleeping habits, daily routine. This record of sleep habits and daily routine allows the doctor to sleep because of back problems. You can also keep a sleep diary where you can enter information such as hours of sleep, sleep quality (sleep was a free or you awake for a while or you sleep with your eyes closed type and The amount of food, fluids, caffeine, alcohol or consumed before bed, feeling down (you were happy, sad, stressed, anxious), amounts and times of medication. maintenance of dairy products you can understand sleep patterns and sleep comfortably gift, which in turn leads to the healthy and invigorating.


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