The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Lack Of Sleep And Sleep Disorders

Sleeping, eating, exercise and natural reproduction is a process designed by nature, but none of these processes, the interference against nature over a period of time can change the pace and start to bite.

Sleep deprivation is a modern problem. Historically, man has not experienced any sleep problems. It is perhaps odd sleepless night during hunting season or the birth of the child, but most people have always got enough sleep the rest of the animal world.

Our ancestors had no trouble sleeping because they had no distractions, stress and anxiety that we experience every day. They were awakened by mobile phones or send text messages right before bed at midnight. They went directly to the intensive search for an LCD for the bedroom, nor worried about the mortgage could be paid next month.

Lack of sleep is now self-inflicted, have created a culture where stress is life "go, go, go" 24-7. We do not have enough time for the body to relax and prepare for sleep. Another night of rest is not impossible, it just takes a little respect for the natural body.

Sleep problems can be cured by implementing a set of rules and limits, as we do with the discipline of exercise and eating plans. It is time to start solving the problem at the root of the lack of sleep and begin to sacrifice some of the ills of modern restoration of our excess body better.

If you want to spend our entire lives we work overload, exercise, social networks, telephone calls and parties, then we need to ensure compliance and allow the body to rest properly.


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