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Bruxism Disease Sleep Disorders

A significant number of children of U.S. adults grind their teeth unconsciously, without even knowing it. This is called bruxism.

This condition can occur at any time of day. When it occurs during sleep, sleep at night is called bruxism related.

Bruxism Causes

There are many causes of bruxism. This can happen
-Because of anxiety or stress
As a measure
Due to a misalignment of teeth
-As a sign of a rare neuromuscular disease
The after-effect of some medicines used to treat depression - Prozac (fluoxetine), Paxil (paroxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline)

Bruxism Symptoms

regular contractions of the muscles of the jaw, especially in the morning with pain
Noise-grinding during sleep
-One morning, unexplained headaches
pain persistence in the face, including pain in the joints of the jaw
Teeth-damaged, dental fillings breaking, injured gums - which may have caused erosion of the surface layer of enamel, rubbing the teeth together. dentine exposure causes tooth sensitivity

The diagnosis of bruxism

If one or more of the above symptoms manifest, the next step is to go to the dentist and to confirm if the cause of symptoms is actually bruxism.

Your dentist will decide this by
-Answers to questions (eg, dental health, stress situations, drugs, sleep habits), and
-Examination of the mouth and jaw, which will check the tenderness and other damage would be caused by or caused by bruxism (teeth missing or broken, misaligned teeth)

If it is suspected that there might be a deeper problem causing Dental Bruxism, a more detailed examination and x-rays can be used to identify the problem and possible treatment.

Estimated duration of bruxism

Bruxism is a common condition in children aged 3 to 10 years. However, in such cases is likely to disappear at the age of 13 years without any treatment.

In adolescents and adults, for that period will depend Bruxism Bruxism why. If the cause is a faulty dental treatment has been used once or affected teeth repaired and / or realigned, stop bruxism. However, if the cause is emotional and is the result of stress and anxiety can take up to emotional problems are managed.

Bruxism treatment

Bruxism methods used to treat the disease depend on the cause:

-Bruxism caused by stress: The treatment is professional counseling, psychotherapy, biofeedback or exercise. Leisure activities to relieve stress is as effective as eliminating stimulants like caffeine and tobacco lifestyle. A muscle relaxant may also be prescribed to prevent the spasm of the jaw. If these methods have not yet succeeded in obtaining a state dentist may be subject to specialized treatment.

Dental problems caused by bruxism: In this case, in general, the realignment of teeth will be made. For dental problems, however serious it may also be required to wear crowns or onlays to correct damaged teeth. A bite splint or mouth even wear a dental appliance that is used to prevent bruxism. They are usually worn at night to help prevent and reduce the crushing pressure on the joints of the jaw and facial muscles. This will also help to realign the teeth.

Bruxism sequelae caused by drugs (eg antidepressants): In this case, your doctor may change the medicine cause bruxism to another drug or prescribe other medicines to prevent effect of bruxism.

In some cases, a hot compress on the facial muscles will revive and relieve muscle tension and pain caused by teeth grinding.


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