The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Sleep Disorders In Children

Much attention has been focused on the diagnosis and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults, and rightly so. But all this enthusiasm and interest, we have lost sight of our children. Children are also affected by sleep disorders, including those commonly found in adults, such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia and restless legs syndrome. According to the National Sleep Foundation, more than two thirds of children in America's problems sleeping experience at least a few nights a week. Unfortunately, children do not complain, overall sleep problems.

Did you know that snoring is not considered a normal condition of children? In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recognized the importance of screening for snoring in children, and they recommended evaluating all children who snore for underlying sleep apnea. This is because sleep apnea in children has been associated with several important issues. Some of these issues include growth and development effects, mood and learning disorders (eg, irritability, depression, ADHD) and social dysfunction (eg, difficulty interact with friends or family members). Interestingly, children with OSA do not show similar symptoms in adults with OSA. OSA in children with symptoms of hyperactivity, irritability, inability to concentrate and focus may be more common as fatigue, excessive daytime sleepiness or involuntary dozing. However, a symptom that is often shared by children and adults with sleep apnea wakes up from sleep not feeling rested. It is important for adults to pay attention to their sleep habits of their child and watch for any sign of obvious problem.

Another common sleep problem is insomnia. Parents often complain that their child did not sleep last night, which would affect the sleep of others. Insomnia itself is a differential diagnosis in children. Instead, it is almost always a symptom of another underlying disease. Some examples of causes of insomnia are environmental factors, social stress (family conflict, for example), obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and movement disorders. Once the leading cause of insomnia is determined, effective treatment can be started. The keys are for parents or caregivers who first recognized the signs and symptoms and then seek medical help from a specialist sleep disorders. Without medical care, sleep disorders can live for years, unrecognized and untreated, eventually lead to more serious problems in adulthood.

Finally, the restless legs syndrome (RLS), has received much attention recently. This attention is well deserved, because RLS is a common medical problem for children and adults. People often misunderstand RLS. RLS is an unpleasant sensation or discomfort that occurs primarily in the legs, usually in the evening or at night. It is characterized by the need to move the legs to relieve discomfort, and leg movement is associated with a temporary relief of symptoms. RLS may be due to reduced iron stores. Therefore, an occupational physician with laboratory tests is necessary to exclude other potentially treatable causes such as underlying iron deficiency or anemia. RLS often prevents or delays the onset of sleep, causing sleep disturbance at night. Children with RLS may complain of discomfort or unpleasant sensations in the legs. In some cases, children may complain of pain in the legs. If these symptoms persist for more than a few days, it is advisable to consult a doctor. RLS has also been associated with ADHD.

Unfortunately, sleep disorders are widespread among children, but rarely discussed, accepted or treated with regular visits to your office. It is particularly important that parents and caregivers to pay attention to recognize the signs and symptoms of sleep disorders. Parents and caregivers should seek the advice of experts when sleep problems, these problems occur. In addition, increasing evidence suggests that the variety of sleep disorders in childhood are associated with inattention, hyperactivity, depression and cognitive underpinning, which can have negative effects on growth and academic performance. We know that the results of poor sleep quality or inadequate in a slower metabolism, weight gain, and a general decline in health. Full effect of sleep on the growth and development of children is not yet fully known, but current data and the growing epidemic of obesity suggests that it may be a very important issue.

Author: Dr. Raj Kakar, M.D., M.P.H.

Mr. Kakar is a diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine (D. absm) and is certified in sleep medicine at a time and internal medicine. He completed postdoctoral training at the Clinic of Stanford University sleep disorders of children and adults. He is medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Dallas, Plano, TX. Resources: Sleep Apnea Treatment - Treatment of snoring - sleep disorders


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