The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Sleeping Beauty Syndrome

A person affected by the syndrome of Sleeping Beauty is put to the excessive amount of sleep for most of the day and night as well. The person may wake up only for basic needs such as food needs and bathroom. This condition, a neurological disorder is also characterized by behavioral disorders. This is so because when a person takes a break from his period of deep sleep and prolonged, showing a childish behavior. He / she has other symptoms that will be discussed shortly.

Kleine-Levin syndrome has been studied mainly affecting teenagers (most people happen to be male). In some cases the disease have no symptoms for weeks, months or even years. In addition, the affected person may appear completely healthy between attacks of disease occurrence. Causes of Sleeping Beauty this syndrome is still a subject of speculation. Some professionals blame the hereditary predisposition, while some refer to the result of autoimmune diseases.

Sleeping Beauty syndrome symptoms

So like I said, after the patient wakes up from his deep sleep, he / she can present different types of unusual symptoms. municipalities include hypersomnia (defined as the inability to stay awake and a primary symptom of this disorder), altered mental status, confusion, amnesia for what happened, hallucinations, delusions, sensitivity to noise and light, disorientation and passes through a dream state. The person may develop an excessive appetite for food (to eat anything without much discrimination) and can become aggressive or irritable more often. The patient is often difficult to awaken from his sleep and irritability or aggression can become intense if prevented from sleeping. Another important symptom syndrome Kleine-Levin is a display of sex hypersexuality or uninhibited behavior, which is seen more men than women. This problem may occur in the form of promiscuity, excessive masturbation and several types of inappropriate sexual behavior.

Learn more about:
Hallucinations during sleep
Reasons slept
Sleeping Beauty disease treatment

Diagnosis of the condition is not easy in the light of the observation of doctors. That's because its symptoms, which made room for a positive diagnosis. So if any one patient is diagnosed with this condition must be after the doctor was able to rule all kinds of other conditions that may mimic symptoms similar. As mentioned, hypersomnia is a main symptom of this condition, so most patients are first can make a procedure for treating sleep disorders. To learn more about the symptoms of sleep disorders.

Until now, medical science has not been able to conquer any method that could be used to initiate appropriate treatment regimen for this disease syndrome Sleeping Beauty. For treatment of excessive sleepiness, drugs such as amphetamines, methylphenidate, modafinil and managed. These are incentives that can help a person stay awake. However, they can not treat sleepiness and have no influence on the slow and the other symptoms mentioned above. Doctors believe this condition is similar to bipolar disorder. Thus, lithium and carbamazepine have been known to be effective in reducing episodes.

Sleeping beauty syndrome is a rare disease and live with it can be a serious matter. Most patients with this disorder of severe depression. Late effects are caused by the symptoms can be debilitating for the quality of life. This can lead to excessive weight gain and other serious situations such as criminal charges have been imposed due to unbridled sexual behavior. Then friends and family need to provide much support, love and care to help these patients. The good news is that most patients (90%) show the recovery of this mysterious disease once they reached their twenties.


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