The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Well & Tight!

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Syndrome of delayed phase of sleep is a sleep disorder that is known is when a person's internal clock is unable to synchronize with the external environment. Because of this synchronization, a person is unable to sleep and could take two hours to do. Most people who suffer from the syndrome of delayed sleep phase (DSP), but not before two in the night's sleep and are therefore not able to wake up early. Here are the causes, symptoms and treatment options for the syndrome of delayed sleep phase. To learn more about types of sleep disorders.

Syndrome of delayed sleep phase Causes

People often develop this condition, their sleep after waking up is regularly interrupted for reasons such as studying, working or partying late into the night. These people, even after they resume their regular schedules, are unable to sleep on time. Adolescence is when this condition develops in a normal person, although delayed phase syndrome sleep among children has also been reported. This condition rarely affects people once they pass 30 years.

DSP underlying medical reason is still not yet known things, such as damage to brain injury or head injury, of any serious disease that disturbs the biological clock and circadian rhythm of body, can lead to retardation syndrome sleep phase. Learn more about sleep problems at night.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome Symptoms
People with this condition, or are unable to sleep, I suffer from insomnia or you may feel excessively sleepy during the day.
People with this condition are unable to sleep like normal people, they take a lot of time sleeping.
Since it takes a lot of sleep while the person is unable to wake up in time either.
A person with this condition may suffer from depression and anxiety as well.
Learn more about:
Symptoms of insomnia
Sleep deprivation symptoms
Delayed Treatment of Sleep Phase Syndrome

Bright Light Therapy
To cope with DSP, light therapy, which involves patient exposure to artificial light in the morning and avoid exposure to light at night, is often recommended by doctors. To give light therapy for patients, they are exposed to a light box that emits a white light of the value of 5000-10000 lux. The patient must be held before the morning light box for about 30 minutes or as suggested by the doctor. Some side effects that this therapy may occur in a person are hyperactivity, headaches and eye problems, if not used for ultraviolet filters.

In this case, the cycle of sleep and waking the patient is treated, which is extended by three hours per day to establish a day of 27 hours. This continues until the patient is able to sleep on time and after only twenty-four hours of sleep is enabled. sleep therapy program that will be something like the following.
First day - watch 2 hours and wake up at 22
Day Two - sleep and wake up at 5 am to 13
Third day - sleep and wake up at 8 o'clock to 16
Fourth day - sleep and wake up at 11 to 19
Fifth day - sleep and wake-14-22
Sixth Day - 17 sleep and wake up at 1:00
Seventh Day - 20 sleep and wake up at 4 o'clock
Eighth Day - 23 sleep and wake up at 7 o'clock
Chronotherapy can interfere with other drugs a person can be taken. So before starting this treatment, patients should consult a physician who treats sleep disorders and discuss every precaution must be taken to this treatment.

In addition to these therapies, sleep, sometimes inducers such as melatonin may also be offered in some patients, even if, because of its side effects, treatment is not widely used for the syndrome of the phase delay sleep.

Learn more about:
How to fall asleep
Sleep techniques
Tips for Better Sleep
Research has shown that individuals with the syndrome of delayed sleep phase are able to overcome this disease themselves without treatment, provided they inculcate habits of sleep hygiene. Some sleep hygiene habits helpful in overcoming this disease are eliminating caffeine and alcohol diet, exercise regularly, but during the day, take a warm bath two hours before bedtime, drink a full glass hot milk just before bed, bathroom and bedroom ensure is clean, quiet and comfortable, and finally, action or undertaking activities to reduce stress, like yoga, meditation and breathing exercises.


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