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Night Terrors In Adults Sleep Disorder

They sit in the bed of nails right up to screaming. It is difficult to awaken him from sleep. They have no idea what I do. Screaming, thrashing and screaming, they try to fight against dangerous situations imagination. This is a perfect episode of night terrors among adults. Statistics show that about 6.5% and 2.2% of adult children experience night terrors. Night terrors in adults develop in a very late stage in life. Night terror is parasomnia, or sleep disorders category, which is accompanied by adverse events that come with sleep. Night terrors occur in adults over an hour of sleep, but are usually processed within one hour of sleep. To understand what are the reasons for night terrors in adults.

The causes of night terrors in adults
Night terrors are known to have a strong genetic link. This is the main reason for children growing, but fade with time. However, night terrors in adults are largely due to psychological problems listed below.
Bipolar disorder
lifestyle changes drastically
Sleep deprivation
Sleep disorders
Sleep apnea
Migraine attacks
Head injury
Edema of the brain or encephalitis
Stomach bloating
The physical or emotional stress
Constant travel
Alcohol use and abuse
Sleeping under disturbing
Medical conditions
Night terrors in adults are caused by chemical reactions in the brain. Laboratory tests showed increased brain activity, which leads to frightening dreams and night terrors.

The diagnosis of sleep terrors in adults
Night terrors are not nightmares. The nightmares are experienced sleep in the fifth stage of REM sleep. This occurs when the sleeper is in the deepest sleep, but can be easily awakened. The person experiencing a nightmare can not remember the details, however, he can remember, he had a nightmare. Conversely, a night terror occurs at every moment, but it is generally the fourth stage, and the sleeper can be awakened easily. Sometimes the person can not remember anything of the episode. Sleeping can be wide-eyed look, but that does not mean they will wake up. violent reactions like putting a fight, we see also among the victims of night terrors. Adults who suffer from night terrors should consult a doctor so that the causes of night terrors in adults can be treated properly and once and for all. Although the diagnosis of sleep terrors in adults, will answer questions such as:
No family member is difficult to wake up?
There you have questions about crying in the night, the next day?
You feel confused when you wake up?
Do you suffer from sleepiness during the day?
Are you taking medication?
Do you suffer from any form of stress at work or at home?
It may also ask you questions about your complete medical history
Treatment of night terrors adults
The only way to deal with night terrors in adults is done by a doctor. Your doctor may ask you to keep a sleep diary to understand sleep habits. He can observe closely the timing of sleep, diet and lifestyle to get to the root of the problem. You must be open with your doctor about all the problems in the treatment of night terrors adults.

Learn more about:
Night terrors in small children - Symptoms
Night terrors in babies
Night terrors in adults can be scary for the family to cope. My advice to them is fair, and calmly accept the problem and treat it. Do not try to wake the person, only to ensure their safety. note of times and say things, while experiencing a night terror. Comfort and help people cope with this problem so they can sleep like a child again.


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